IOGP response to targeted consultation on the revision of Regulation (EU) 347/2013 on guidelines for TEN-E Regulation
This document provides IOGP’s response to the targeted consultation on the revision of Regulation (EU) 347/2013 on guidelines for trans-European energy infrastructure (TEN-E Regulation).
The response to the consultation is sent through an online survey.
The TEN-E Regulation lays down rules for the timely development and interoperability of cross-border energy infrastructure [TEN-E] networks in order to achieve the EU’s energy policy objectives. Its key objective is the timely implementation of the projects of common interest (known as “PCIs”) which interconnect the energy markets across Europe. Interconnected energy markets allow for better integration of renewable energy sources, better security of supply and higher competition within markets that keeps prices in check. The TEN-E Regulation sets out criteria for establishing the PCIs necessary to implement priority corridors and areas in the categories of electricity, gas, oil, smart grids, and carbon dioxide networks.
The Green Deal highlights the importance of smart infrastructure in this transition and specifically identifies the need to review and update the EU regulatory framework for energy infrastructure, including the Regulation (EU) No 347/2013 on guidelines for trans-European energy infrastructure (the “TEN-E Regulation”), to ensure consistency with the 2050 climate neutrality objective.
This survey is one of the elements of the wider stakeholder consultation strategy to inform about the revision of the TEN-E Regulation. The aim of this targeted survey is to collect information and gather views with respect to the implementation and functioning of the TEN-E Regulation from people with professional experience of how the current regulation works in practice.
The survey is structured as follows:
- Effectiveness of the Regulation
- Permit granting processes
- Public consultation
- PCI selection process
- Governance and the roles of different actors
- Cross-border cost allocation
- Investment incentives
- Efficiency of the Regulation
- Relevance of the Regulation
- Coherence of the Regulation
- EU added value of the Regulation
- Publications
- News
- Events