Joint letter: CCS and CCU for the EU’s Industrial Transition
Ahead of the publication of the EU’s Industrial Strategy, a group of trade associations including IOGP issued a joint call for the Commission to make Carbon Capture Use & Storage an integral part of this Strategy, in the context of the European Green Deal.
Nearly all ambitious climate scenarios of the IPCC, IEA and European Commission show a key role for CCU and CCS, in particular to achieve emission cuts in ‘hard-to-abate’ sectors.
The signatories call on policymakers to put in place a policy framework which will foster the large-scale deployment of these breakthrough technologies.
Click on the button below to download the full letter.
Director Brussels
Confederation of Norwegian Enterprise (NHO)
Michiel Cornelissen
Chair Working Party Climate
IFIEC Europe
Erling Kvadsheim
Director International Affairs
Norwegian Oil and Gas Association (NOROG)
Axel Eggert
Director General
Frode Alfheim
Industri Energi
John Cooper
Director General
Fuels Europe
François-Régis Mouton
Regional Director Europe
- Publications
- Letters to Officials
- Events

IOGP Europe Response to the Consultation on the Review of the Taxonomy Climate Delegated Act

The Case for a European CCS Bank

The Joint Statement on the Low-Carbon Fuels certification draft Delegated Act

IOGP response to the public consultation on the draft Methodology to determine the greenhouse gas (GHG) emission savings of low-carbon fuels

Joint EGEC-IOGP Europe recommendations: Accelerating the deployment of Geothermal in Europe

IOGP Europe key principles on a future regulatory framework for CO2 transport infrastructure

Joint Statement – Harnessing the IPCEI mechanism for CCS in Europe

GasNaturally Letter to Competitiveness Council 23 May 2024

Rebalancing Europe’s Gas Supply Second Edition

IOGP consultation response: Rationalisation of reporting requirements

Creating a sustainable business case for CCS value chains

Map of CO2 storage Projects in Europe

IOGP Europe statement on the ECHA proposed PFAS restriction proposal related to the Carbon Capture, Transport and Storage (CCS) Technology

IOGP Europe position on the EU Industrial Carbon Management

IOGP position paper on the European Commission’s public consultation on the EU climate target for 2040

IOGP Europe feedback on Net Zero Industry Act proposal

Joint industry statement on the EU Taxonomy

IOGP response on Competitive Bidding schemes for hydrogen under the Innovation Fund

IOGP response on revamping the Strategic Energy Technology (SET) Plan

IOGP views on the proposed Regulation amending Regulation (EU) 2021/241 as regards REPowerEU chapters in Recovery and Resilience Plans

IOGP response to the consultation on certification of carbon removals – EU rules

IOGP comments to R. W. Howarth and M. Z. Jacobson (2021): How Green is Blue Hydrogen?

Re-Stream – Study on the reuse of oil and gas infrastructure for hydrogen and CCS in Europe

IOGP response to the public consultation on the Energy Taxation Directive (ETD) proposal

IOGP response to the public consultation on the Renewable Energy Directive (RED) proposal

IOGP feedback to the European Commission’s Roadmap on restoring sustainable carbon cycles

IOGP response to the public consultation on the Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM) proposal

IOGP position on the revision of the EU Emissions Trading System (EU ETS) Directive

IOGP response to the public consultation on the Energy Efficiency Directive (EED) proposal

IOGP response to the public consultation on the FuelEU Maritime proposal

IOGP response to public consultation on the revised Climate, Energy and Environmental Aid Guidelines (CEEAG)

IOGP Paper on metric to use for 2030 targets

IOGP response to the roadmap on the modification of the General Block Exemption Regulation (GBER)

Public consultation on the EU Action Plan “Towards a Zero Pollution Ambition for air, water and soil”

Response to consultation on updating the EU Emissions Trading System

IOGP response to consultation on the revision of the Guidelines on State aid for environmental protection and energy (EEAG)

IOGP response to the Inception Impact Assessment on the revision of the Guidelines on State aid for environmental protection and energy (EEAG) 2014-2020

IOGP views on competition policy supporting the European Green Deal

IOGP statement on the European Commission’s 2030 Climate Target Plan

What’s Right? What’s Wrong? IOGP comments on the ‘EU Strategy for Energy System Integration’ and ‘A hydrogen strategy for a climate neutral Europe’

IOGP written input to the public consultation on the Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM)

IOGP views on State aid for environmental protection and energy (EEAG)

IOGP written input to the consultation “2030 Climate Target Plan”

IOGP response to the inception impact assessment concerning the revision of the 2018 Renewable Energy Directive (REDII)

IOGP feedback on the update of EU ETS monitoring and reporting rules (2021-30)

IOGP response to supplementary questions on the EIB Group’s Climate Bank Roadmap 2021-2025

IOGP response to consultation on the renewed Sustainable Finance strategy

Funding CCS in Europe: key investments for the recovery

IOGP response to the public consultation on the revision of Regulation (EU) 347/2013 on guidelines for TEN-E Regulation

IOGP response to targeted consultation on the revision of Regulation (EU) 347/2013 on guidelines for TEN-E Regulation

IOGP input to the Roadmap on the EU strategy on hydrogen in Europe

IOGP feedback to the Combined Evaluation Roadmap/Inception Impact Assessment on the revision of Regulation (EU) 347/2013 on guidelines for TEN-E

IOGP feedback to the roadmap for a Renovation Wave initiative for public and private buildings

IOGP input to the forthcoming EU Strategy for Energy System Integration

IOGP response to the EIB Group’s Climate Bank Roadmap 2021-2025

Input to the inception impact assessment on the FuelEU Maritime

IOGP feedback to the proposed European Climate Law

Feedback to the impact inception assessment “2030 Climate Target Plan”

New and old CCS projects in Europe: What’s different this time?

IOGP assessment of National Energy and Climate Plans

Methane Management in the Upstream Oil and Gas Industry: Policy recommendations in the context of the EU Methane Strategy

Scaling up Hydrogen in Europe

IOGP assessment of draft National Energy and Climate Plans

The potential for CCS and CCU in Europe Report to the thirty second meeting of the European Gas Regulatory Forum 5-6 June 2019

LNG – a fast lane to make Europe a leader in clean shipping

CCS: the Innovation Fund and beyond

OGP contribution to the CCS Directive evaluation

Letter: Strong support for an implementable and pragmatic Net Zero Industry Act Article 18 – solutions to make CCS work

Letter: Open, inclusive, and pragmatic Green Deal Industrial Plan for Europe

Letter: Call for a technology-inclusive revision of the TEN-E Regulation

Letter: IOGP input on the European Commission’s consultation on the priority list for the development of gas network codes and guidelines for 2021 (and beyond)

Letter: 57 industry leaders call for enhancing gas contribution to decarbonisation

Wide industry coalition call for a Hydrogen Strategy inclusive of all clean hydrogen pathways

CCS policy: A practical toolkit

2024 CCSA EU Conference – 3rd July

SPE Europe Energy Conference

CCS Strategy Europe Conference

Rebalancing Europe’s natural gas supplies – Learnings, future needs, and policy implications

Creating a sustainable business case for European CCS value chains

Scaling up the energy transition whilst securing a stable suppy

The Europe CCUS & Hydrogen Decarbonisation Summit