Joint Statement: Reality Check for European Hydrogen Policy to Adjust the Course
The 17 co-signatories of this joint statement, representing the entire hydrogen value chain, reaffirm their commitment to supporting the EU’s decarbonization efforts and building a competitive hydrogen market. While the European Green Deal has established a framework for hydrogen production, major challenges—such as technology preference, high costs, infrastructure gaps, and regulatory barriers—make the 2030 targets almost impossible to be reached.
The signatories call for urgent political action, adopting a technology-neutral approach, providing financial incentives for all production pathways , streamlining and de-risking infrastructure development, accompanied by a clear hydrogen import strategy. The open collaboration with policymakers and stakeholders is key to ensure a robust, sustainable hydrogen market in the EU.
- Publications
- News
- Events

Advancing a Competitive, Resilient, and Integrated Energy Market

The Case for a European CCS Bank

The Joint Statement on the Low-Carbon Fuels certification draft Delegated Act

IOGP response to the public consultation on the draft Methodology to determine the greenhouse gas (GHG) emission savings of low-carbon fuels

Joint Statement on the Low-Carbon Fuels certification Delegated Act

GasNaturally Letter to Competitiveness Council 23 May 2024

IOGP Europe recommendations on the Delegated Act specifying a methodology for assessing GHG emissions savings from low-carbon fuels and low-carbon hydrogen

IOGP response on Competitive Bidding schemes for hydrogen under the Innovation Fund

IOGP response on revamping the Strategic Energy Technology (SET) Plan

IOGP views on the proposed Regulation amending Regulation (EU) 2021/241 as regards REPowerEU chapters in Recovery and Resilience Plans

IOGP response to the public consultation on the Hydrogen and Decarbonized Gas Market package

IOGP comments to R. W. Howarth and M. Z. Jacobson (2021): How Green is Blue Hydrogen?

Re-Stream – Study on the reuse of oil and gas infrastructure for hydrogen and CCS in Europe

IOGP Paper on metric to use for 2030 targets

IOGP input to the consultation on the Hydrogen and Gas Market Decarbonization Package

What’s Right? What’s Wrong? IOGP comments on the ‘EU Strategy for Energy System Integration’ and ‘A hydrogen strategy for a climate neutral Europe’

IOGP input to the Roadmap on the EU Smart System Integration

IOGP input to the Roadmap on the EU strategy on hydrogen in Europe

IOGP feedback to the Combined Evaluation Roadmap/Inception Impact Assessment on the revision of Regulation (EU) 347/2013 on guidelines for TEN-E

IOGP input to the forthcoming EU Strategy for Energy System Integration

New and old CCS projects in Europe: What’s different this time?

Scaling up Hydrogen in Europe

Hydrogen for Europe Pre-study – Key findings

Hydrogen for Europe

The potential for CCS and CCU in Europe Report to the thirty second meeting of the European Gas Regulatory Forum 5-6 June 2019

Draghi Report: a pragmatic pathway to Competitiveness, Sustainability, and Resilience

Press release: Recognition of CCS on path to 2050 marks a step change, but approach to low-carbon solutions remains too narrow.

Letter: IOGP Europe recommendations on the Hydrogen and Decarbonized Gas Market Package

Letter: Industry views regarding the proposal to establish a permanent demand aggregation and joint purchasing mechanism through the Recast Gas Regulation

Net-Zero Industry Act marks a step change in industrial and climate policy – EU paves way for carbon capture and storage scale-up

Letter: Open, inclusive, and pragmatic Green Deal Industrial Plan for Europe

Gas market reform marks a step change in EU approach to the transition

New Re-Stream study assesses the feasibility of transport of hydrogen and CO2 in European gas and oil infrastructure

Letter: Call for a technology-inclusive revision of the TEN-E Regulation

“Hydrogen for Europe” study launch

Towards greater hydrogen production capacity in Europe

Letter: IOGP input on the European Commission’s consultation on the priority list for the development of gas network codes and guidelines for 2021 (and beyond)

Council’s inclusive approach to hydrogen sends strong signal ahead of key legislative year

Letter: 57 industry leaders call for enhancing gas contribution to decarbonisation

EU’s hydrogen and energy system vision can only succeed with a more balanced, inclusive approach

Wide industry coalition call for a Hydrogen Strategy inclusive of all clean hydrogen pathways

Hydrogen for Europe: 1st Working Group Meeting

The Europe CCUS & Hydrogen Decarbonisation Summit

Re-Stream Study Launch Event

Hydrogen4EU Launch Event

Sustainable finance: investor, oil and gas sector and global perspectives

Carbon Management Webinars

Sustainable finance: non-financial disclosure for the oil and gas sector and EU taxonomy in practice