
Recommendations for a Clean Industrial Deal

IOGP Europe welcomes the European Commission’s commitment to deliver a Clean Industrial Deal in its first 100 days, to champion competitiveness as a strategic priority and create the conditions for a stronger business case for clean and traditional industries in Europe. To support this objective, we offer recommendations to help attract the investments needed to restore industrial competitiveness in the EU while achieving climate neutrality by 2050.


In this paper, we share recommendations which we believe would support the development of an EU Clean Industrial Deal while ensuring its successful implementation:

1) Making business easier by streamlining regulation and enhancing competitiveness.
2) Ensuring secure, abundant and affordable energy by diversifying supply sources.
3) Scaling up clean energy technologies and infrastructures by promoting innovation and using mainly market-driven solutions



  • IOGP Europe commends the European Commission’s focus on competitiveness and believes this topic should be elevated as a strategic priority.
  • The Clean Industrial Deal, if designed in a realistic manner, is an opportunity to balance climate ambition with industrial competitiveness.
  • By creating a competitive and balanced framework that offers a wide range of competitive, reliable energy solutions, the EU can retain and expand its industrial base, attracting foreign investment and position itself as an appealing destination for new business solutions.
  • This requires a strategic shift toward a balanced framework and, innovative financing mechanisms, such as CCfDs and incentives for advanced technologies.
  • By effectively combining climate ambitions with competitiveness, Europe can maintain its leadership in the energy transition and restore its competitive edge.

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