
IOGP position on Industrial Emissions Portal (IEP) Regulation proposal

This document provides IOGP's position on the Industrial Emissions Portal (IEP) Regulation proposal.


IOGP welcomes the European Commission’s draft proposal on the Industrial Emissions Portal (IEP) Regulation published in April 2022, aiming to enable more accurate monitoring of the environmental performance of large industrial activities.
Some installations connected to oil and gas extraction activities have already been in the scope of the E-PRTR Regulation due to their activity classification (e.g. steam boilers, cogeneration plants, gas turbines). The oil and gas extraction sector is also covered by myriads of environmental reporting obligations on international, national and local level.

Key Recommendations

To avoid unnecessary administrative and financial burden for all involved parties (industry, authorities, agencies), IOGP recommends the following improvements to the draft IEP Regulation proposal:

  • The addition of ‘crude oil and gas extraction activities’ under Annex I should be limited by meaningful capacity thresholds to avoid excessive burden for operators and competent authorities
  • Reporting should be possible on ‘facility’ level instead of ‘installation’ level only
  • Any overlaps and duplications should be avoided regarding methane emissions reporting
  • Operators should not be obliged to report contextual information and data of commercially
    sensitive nature


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