IOGP position on Industrial Emissions Directive (IED) revision proposal
This document provides IOGP's position on the Industrial Emissions Directive (IED) revision proposal.
IOGP welcomes the European Commission’s draft proposal on the Industrial Emissions Directive (IED), published in April 2022.
We have identified several elements that would improve the proposal, streamline some aspects, and update it in line with the European Green Deal (EGD) objectives.
Some installations connected to oil and gas extraction activities are already in the scope of the IED due to their activity classification, mainly large combustion plants (e.g., steam boilers, cogeneration plants, gas turbines) and myriad other environmental regulations already cover the sector on international, national, and local levels.
Key Recommendations
IOGP recommends the following improvements to the proposed draft IED:
- It is essential that the adoption of any future delegated act is carried out in a manner consistent with the provisions of TFEU and the Better Regulation principles
- Transformation plans should be at company level only
- Publication of permits and environmental management systems: confidential business information needs to be protected
- We strongly support maintenance of Article 9.1 which is necessary to enable the effective functioning of the EU ETS as a market-based tool for driving GHG emission reductions