IOGP input to the call for evidence on ‘setting the course for a sustainable blue planet, an update of the international ocean governance agenda’
This document provides IOGP's input to European Commission's call for evidence on ‘setting the course for a sustainable blue planet, an update of the international ocean governance agenda’.
Oceans and seas are important areas of operations for the European Oil and Gas industry, as more than 80% of current oil and gas production takes place offshore. To protect the marine environment, exploration, drilling and production are conducted at the highest industry standards and in accordance with applicable international conventions, national laws and EU legislation.
In line with the UN Sustainable Development Goals, we all share the responsibility to manage the oceans in a sustainable way. The energy industries share this responsibility while supplying the EU with the energy it needs. IOGP also has access to a wealth of technical knowledge and experience, with its members operating around the world in many different ocean governance frameworks, supporting goals of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, and in particular the sustainable development goal on the ocean (SDG14).
Key Recommendations
In assessing International Ocean Governance, and taking into account the recommendations from the EU International Ocean Governance Forum, IOGP believes that the following considerations are important:
- A coherent, predictable and transparent regulatory framework
- Importance of Strategic Environmental Impact Assessment
- Industry and science collaboration