IOGP consultation response, review of the Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD)
This document provides IOGP’s response to the EU public consultation (questionnaire), part of the review of the Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD).
In 2008, the EU adopted the MSFD to maintain marine ecosystems in a healthy, productive and resilient condition while securing a more sustainable use of the marine resources. The MSFD requires Member States to develop national marine strategies in order to achieve, or maintain where it already exists, “good environmental status” (GES) of their marine waters by 2020.
The review of the MSFD is a legal obligation set in its Article 23. It builds on the implementation report adopted in June 2020. As a first step, an evaluation will look at how the MSFD has performed so far and will assess the relevance of this instrument. As a second step, an impact assessment will elaborate different policy or legislative options and their potential impacts
- About the consultation
- About you
- Your perception about Europe’s seas
- The building blocks of the MSFD
- Good environmental status
- Use of resources
- International dimension
- Policy coherence
- Added value of the MSFD
- Potential improvements of the MSFD
- Publications
- News

IOGP Europe response to the ECHA consultation on Universal PFAS restriction proposal
IOGP Europe statement on the ECHA proposed PFAS restriction proposal related to the Carbon Capture, Transport and Storage (CCS) Technology

IOGP input on EU Soil Health Law for protecting, sustainably managing and restoring EU soils

IOGP position on Industrial Emissions Directive (IED) revision proposal

IOGP position on Industrial Emissions Portal (IEP) Regulation proposal

IOGP input to the call for evidence on ‘soil health – protecting, sustainably managing and restoring EU soils’

IOGP input to the call for evidence on ‘setting the course for a sustainable blue planet, an update of the international ocean governance agenda’

Input to Consultation: Restriction for per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS)

IOGP response to the public consultation on the FuelEU Maritime proposal

The transformative power of the Oil & Gas industry in the European Blue Economy

IOGP input to Roadmap consultation ‘Protecting the marine environment – review of EU rules’

IOGP input to the consultation on the new EU Soil Strategy

IOGP input to the consultation on the Industrial Emissions Directive

Underwater sound – Perspective from the oil and gas offshore industry in Europe

Public consultation on the EU Action Plan “Towards a Zero Pollution Ambition for air, water and soil”

IOGP written input to the consultation “Maritime sector – a green post-COVID future”

IOGP position on EU Biodiversity Strategy for 2030

IOGP written input to the consultation “International Ocean Governance”

IOGP input to the consultation on the EU nature restoration plan

IOGP input to the public consultation for the FuelEU Maritime – Green Maritime Space Initiative

IOGP input to the consultation on restricting the use of intentionally added microplastics

Input to the inception impact assessment on the FuelEU Maritime

LNG – a fast lane to make Europe a leader in clean shipping

Webinar: Regulating the re-use and repurposing of oil and gas installations in the context of decommissioning

IOGP actions to protect Biodiversity