IOGP consultation response, review of the Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD)
This document provides IOGP’s response to the EU public consultation (questionnaire), part of the review of the Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD).
In 2008, the EU adopted the MSFD to maintain marine ecosystems in a healthy, productive and resilient condition while securing a more sustainable use of the marine resources. The MSFD requires Member States to develop national marine strategies in order to achieve, or maintain where it already exists, “good environmental status” (GES) of their marine waters by 2020.
The review of the MSFD is a legal obligation set in its Article 23. It builds on the implementation report adopted in June 2020. As a first step, an evaluation will look at how the MSFD has performed so far and will assess the relevance of this instrument. As a second step, an impact assessment will elaborate different policy or legislative options and their potential impacts
- About the consultation
- About you
- Your perception about Europe’s seas
- The building blocks of the MSFD
- Good environmental status
- Use of resources
- International dimension
- Policy coherence
- Added value of the MSFD
- Potential improvements of the MSFD
- Publications
- News