
IOGP answer to the EU roadmap on new rules to prevent methane leakage in the energy sector

This document provides IOGP’s answer to the EU roadmap on the new rules to prevent methane leakage in the energy sector.



IOGP welcomes the Commission’s intention to deliver a legislative proposal on compulsory measurement, reporting, and verification (MRV) at company-level for all energy-related methane emissions, building on the Oil and Gas Methane Partnership (OGMP 2.0) methodology, as well as other methane regulatory requirements and incentives.


Key Points

  • IOGP regards a robust MRV standard of methane emissions as a vital element in policy frameworks that aim to reduce methane emissions along the energy chains, including those beyond the EU’s borders
  • IOGP supports the EU to develop a credible MRV standard in cooperation with key global partners
  • IOGP welcomes the Commission’s intention to deliver a legislative proposal on an obligation to improve Leak Detection and Repair (LDAR) on gas infrastructure, as well as any other production, transport or use of gas, including as a feedstock
  • IOGP member companies already have implemented LDAR programmes across many of their operations and several participate in voluntary industry initiatives

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