Guidelines for Methane Emissions target setting – Press Release
IOGP welcomes the publication of the holistic EU Strategy to Reduce Methane Emissions and looks forward to contributing to its implementation. We support the development of cost-effective and efficient regulation to address methane emissions across all involved sectors of the economy.
Key Points
- The oil & gas industry has been an early mover on methane mitigation. However, the participation of the full gas value chain and of all other emitting sectors is needed to succeed across the economy
- The policy framework to be developed over the coming years needs to take into account the
fact that technology to accurately measure methane is – despite some recent progress – in
development stage and that the available data is sometimes inconsistent across regions
The oil & gas sector is engaged in:
- a number of voluntary Leak Detection and Repair (LDAR) programmes
- the development of the UNEP Oil & Gas Methane Partnership (OGMP) reporting framework referenced in the Strategy
- a number of initiatives such as the Oil & Gas Climate Initiative’s collective target, the Global Gas Flaring Reduction Partnership “Zero Routing Flaring by 2030” initiative under the World Bank, or even the Methane Guiding Principles which brings together best practices from the entire value chain and proactively disseminates them through trainings and masterclasses