This document provides IOGP’s views on the State aid for environmental protection and energy (EEAG) . IOGP’s recommendations focus on adapting the EEAG to ensure the future contributions of carbon capture and utilisation or storage (CCU and CCS) and low-carbon...
This document provides IOGP’s written input to the consultation “International Ocean Governance”. Oceans and seas are important areas of operations for the European Oil and Gas industry, as more than 80% of current oil and gas production takes place offshore. To...
This paper provides IOGP’s input to the EU consultation on “Protecting biodiversity: nature restoration targets under EU biodiversity strategy“. Context IOGP, through the joint IPIECA-IOGP Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services Working Group (BESWG) has...
This document provides IOGP’s written input to the Commission’s consultation on the revision of the Energy Taxation Directive (ETD). The ETD should be an instrument that incentivises the use of all low-carbon/low-emission energy technologies and fuels. IOGP encourages...
This document provides IOGP’s contribution to the public consultation on the proposed Commission Decision to introduce fees to ACER for REMIT activities. Overview The document provides IOGP’s answers to the following questions: Do you agree with the methodology...