Ravenna CCS (includes Callipso)
The project involves the establishment of a CCUS hub in Ravenna with the perspective to capture CO2 from multiple industries in the Po Valley and store it offshore, in the depleted gas reservoirs of the Adriatic Sea. According to the plans, Phase 1 of the project will start in 2023 with an initial capacity of 0.025 Mtpa whereas Phase 2 of the project is scheduled for 2027 with a capacity of 4 Mtpa. The storage resource in the Adriatic Sea gives the project the possibility for subsequent development which will increase progressively its storage capacity to 12 Mtpa by 2034 and to 16 Mtpa by 2038.
Project type:CaptureStorageTransport
Participants:ENI Snam
Type of capture:Cluster (multiple industrial sources)
IOGP members involved: ENI
Planned start of operation: 2024
CO2 capacity at start date: 0.025
CO2 capacity after completion: 4
Status: In operation
Type of storage: Offshore - Depleted Gas Fields (off the coast of Ravenna), Adriatic Sea
Funding and support scheme: 15+A20:F20/11/2024
Info related to the funding and support scheme:
Links: https://ccushub.ogci.com/focus_hubs/ravenna/https://www.eni.com/en-IT/media/press-release/2022/12/eni-snam-form-joint-venture-develop-first-ccs-project-in-italy.htmlhttps://www.eni.com/en-IT/media/press-release/2024/09/eni-snam-launch-ravenna-css-italy-s-first-carbon-capture-storage-project.html#:~:text=San%20Donato%20Milanese%20(Milan),%203%20September%202024%20%E2%80%93