OXYFUEL100 (subproject of WESTKUSTE100)
OXYFUEL100 is a subproject of WESTKUSTE100. The OXYFUEL100 project completed in April 2021 and proved the feasibility of CO2 capture, treatment and transmission from the Holcim - Lägerdorf Cement Plant to another plant so as to be used for methanol synthesis. More specifically the Westküste 100 project aims to produce green hydrogen from offshore wind energy and to use if partially for methanol synthesis and partially for domestic consumption.
Project type:Capture
Participants:EDF Germany Holcim Germany Ørsted Germany Raffinerie Heide Stadtwerke Heide Thügaans thyssenkrupp Industrial Solutions Heide development agency Westküste University of Applied Sciences
Type of capture:Hard to abate industry (Cement)
IOGP members involved: No
Planned start of operation:
CO2 capacity at start date: 0
CO2 capacity after completion:
Status: In planning
Type of storage: Not applicable
Funding and support scheme: National funding
Info related to the funding and support scheme: After the funding was approved by the Federal Ministry of Economics, the project started in August 2020. The total funding amounts to around 36.5 million euros. Since then, various large and small sub-projects have been running in the real laboratory WESTKÜSTE100.
Links: https://www.westkueste100.de/en/