L10 is a depleted gas field located in the Dutch North Sea, which started producing gas in 1976 and was still operational in 2021. Currently, it is being investigated the development of a large-scale Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) project with a total storage capacity of 120-150 million tonnes of CO2 which implies injecting around 5 Mt / year. Phase 1 (2027) has a capacity of 5MTPA and the storage field in the L10 block will be connected to the Aramis CO2 pipeline. Phase 2 (2028) has a minimum capacity of 4MTPA, and its storage fields will be supplied via direct injection from vessels.
Project type:Storage
Participants:Neptune Energy EBN Capital B.V. Rosewood Exploration Ltd. ExxonMobil
Type of capture:Not applicable
IOGP members involved: Neptune Energy, ExxonMobil
Planned start of operation: 2027
CO2 capacity at start date: 5
CO2 capacity after completion: 9
Status: Early Development
Type of storage: Offshore - Depleted Gas Fields (L10-A, L10-B and L10-E areas), Dutch North Sea
Funding and support scheme: No
Info related to the funding and support scheme: No public funded yet very likely through the upcoming round for applications for SDE++ funding from Dutch authorities.
Links: https://www.neptuneenergy.com/sites/neptuneenergy-corp/files/esg/climate-change-and-environment/integrated%20energy%20hubs/L10%20CCS%20Final.pdfhttps://www.neptuneenergy.com/esg/l10-area-ccs-developmenthttps://swzmaritime.nl/news/2022/06/22/neptune-energy-finds-partners-for-l10-carbon-capture-and-storage-project-in-the-north-sea/