Holcim and TotalEnergies are working on the decarbonization of the cement plant found in Obourg which emits around 1.3 million metric tons of CO2 every year. The 1st phase (2022 - 2025) of the GO4ZERO project, aims at the construction of a new dry clinker kiln which will allow the CO2 to be concentrated in the flue gases for its capture. The 2nd phase of the project will focus on the capture, purification, transportation and use of the captured CO2 for e-fuel production or/and geological storage in the North Sea. The storage site has not been defined yet.
Project type:Capture
Participants:TotalEnergies Holcim
Type of capture:Hard to abate industry (Cement)
IOGP members involved: TotalEnergies
Planned start of operation: 2028
CO2 capacity at start date: 1.3
CO2 capacity after completion: 1.3
Status: In planning
Type of storage: N/A
Funding and support scheme:
Info related to the funding and support scheme:
Links: https://totalenergies.com/media/news/press-releases/TotalEnergies_and_Holcim_Join_Forces_for_First_Carbon-Free_Cement_Planthttps://www.dhnet.be/regions/mons/2022/06/15/le-projet-go4zero-dholcim-a-obourg-lance-la-transition-energetique-de-lindustrie-cimentiere-ZXWF4CSMPBEHJICCQTJQAIZF6I/https://www.cemnet.com/News/story/172588/holcim-s-go4zero-project-sees-public-inquiry-open.htmlhttps://www.fluxys.com/en/news/fluxys-group/2022/220919_news_holcim_fluxys_transport_network