CO2 TransPorts

CO2 TransPorts is a cross border project that aims to the construction of an onshore CO2 transportation grid which will connect three industrial clusters: Rotterdam, Antwerp and North Sea Port. The onshore CO2 transportation grid will then be connected with an offshore pipeline transporting CO2 from the Dutch coast to offshore storage sites at the Nort Sea.
Project type:Transport Participants:Havenbedrijf Rotterdam N.V (NL) North Sea Port (BE/NL) Havenbedrijf Antwerpen NV van publiek recht (BE) Country:Netherlands Type of capture:Not applicable IOGP members involved: No Planned start of operation: 2026 CO2 capacity at start date: 10 CO2 capacity after completion: no data Status: In planning Type of storage: Not applicable Funding and support scheme: Info related to the funding and support scheme: Notes: Links: