The CLEANKER project aims at demonstrating at TRL 7 the calcium looping (CaL) technology, which is one of the most promising technologies for CO2 capture in cement plants. More specifically by 2023, the project will result in the design, construction and operation of a CaL demonstration system in the cement plant operated by Buzzi Unicem which is sited in Vernasca (Piacenza, Italy).
Project type:Capture
Participants:LEAP CSIC VDZ Politecnico di Milano Tallinn University of Technology Lappeenranta University of Technology University of Stuttgart Tsinghua University Quantis IKN Buzzi Unicem Italcementi-Heidelbergcement Group Amici della Terra.
Type of capture:Hard to abate industry (Cement)
IOGP members involved: No
Planned start of operation:
CO2 capacity at start date: 0
CO2 capacity after completion:
Status: Early Development
Type of storage: Not applicable
Funding and support scheme: H2020
Info related to the funding and support scheme: CLEANKER is a project funded by Horizon2020. Total Budget: € 9.237.851,25 - EU contribution: € 8.972.201,25