Aalborg Portland CCS
On Dec 2022, Aalborg Portland inaugurated a pilot CO2-capture plant at its cement production unit in Aalborg. A novel tecnology has been developed by DTU which uses the the surplus heat from the cement production to cover partially the energy needs of the pilot CO2 capture plant. The full scale plant is expected to be operational by 2030 with a CO2 capture capacity of 0.4 Mtpa.
Project type:Capture
Participants:Aalborg Portland (part of Cementir Holding S.p.A.)
Type of capture:Hard to abate industry (Cement)
IOGP members involved: No
Planned start of operation: Pilot plant in operation since 2022
CO2 capacity at start date: 0
CO2 capacity after completion: 0.4
Status: In operation
Type of storage: Not applicable
Funding and support scheme:
Info related to the funding and support scheme: Support from the Innovation Fund under the project name CORT
Links: https://www.aalborgportland.dk/aalborg-portland-etablerer-pilotanlaeg-til-fangst-af-co2/https://www.aalborgportland.dk/nu-idriftsaetter-aalborg-portland-nyt-co2-fangstanlaeg/