CO2-SPICER (CO2 Storage Pilot In a CarbonatE Reservoir) is a Czech/Norwegian research project that aims at the preparation of a CO2 storage pilot in the mature Zar-3 oil & gas field located 30 km SE from the city of Brno, SE Czech Repblic.
Project type:Storage Participants:MND VSB - Technical University of Ostrava Institute of Geophysics of the Czech Academy of Sciences NORCE Norwegian Research Centre Czech Geological Survey. Country:Czech Republic Type of capture:N/A IOGP members involved: No Planned start of operation: 2031 CO2 capacity at start date: 0.4 CO2 capacity after completion: Status: In planning Type of storage: Onshore – Depleted Oil & Gas field (Zar-3), Southern Moravia Funding and support scheme: The CO2-SPICER project benefits from a € 2.32 mil. grant from Norway and Technology Agency of the Czech Republic. Info related to the funding and support scheme: Notes: Links: