Kollsnes DAC

The project aims to the installation of a Direct Air Capture plant at the Energy Park in Øygarden (where Northern Lights JV is constructing its CO2 terminal). The capacity of the DAC plant will be initially 0.5 Mtpa with a possible expansion to 1 Mtpa at a later stage. The captured CO2 will be transported offshore by pipeline for permanent storage in the saline acquifer Aurora via the Northern Lights project.
Project type:Capture Participants:Carbon Removal AS Country:Norway Type of capture:Direct Air Capture IOGP members involved: No Planned start of operation: 2026 CO2 capacity at start date: 0.5 CO2 capacity after completion: 1 Status: Early Development Type of storage: Not applicable Funding and support scheme: Info related to the funding and support scheme: Notes: Links: https://www.carbonremoval.no/https://www.directaircapture.com/newsroom/