Air Liquide’s H2 production unit

An industrial CO2 Capture unit, currently in operation, part of a large hydrogen production installation which produces hydrogen for a neighbouring refinery. The Cryocap™ unit, via a cryogenic process, enables the annual capture of 100.000 tonnes of CO2 which after purification are eventually used for a variety of industrial needs.        
Project type:Capture Participants:Air Liquide Country:France Type of capture:Fuel Production (Hydrogen) IOGP members involved: No Planned start of operation: Started operating in 2015 CO2 capacity at start date: 0.1 CO2 capacity after completion: 0.1 Status: In operation Type of storage: Not applicable Funding and support scheme: National funding Info related to the funding and support scheme: The investment costed around 30 million euros and received an additional public financial support of close to 9 million euros. Public support from the Haute Normandie region, the community of Caux Vallée de Seine communes, and ADEME (French Environment and Energy Management Agency) through the Programme d’Investissement d’Avenir, a program for investment for the future.         Notes:           Links: