ANRAV aims to develop the first full CCS value chain project in Bulgaria and in Eastern Europe. The objective is to capture the CO2 streams at the Devnya cement plant in Varna (HeidelbergCement group) and though an onshore and offshore pipeline system to store them in a depleted gas field in the Black Sea. Subject to regulatory and permitting aspects, the full-chain CCS project could be operational on 2028.
Project type:CaptureStorageTransport Participants:Devnya Cement (Heidelberg Cement) Petrocetic Bulgaria Eood Country:Bulgaria Type of capture:Hard to abate industry (Cement) IOGP members involved: No Planned start of operation: 2028 CO2 capacity at start date: 0.8 CO2 capacity after completion: Status: Early Development Type of storage: Offshore - Depleted Gas Field (Galata), Black Sea Funding and support scheme: Innovation Fund Info related to the funding and support scheme: The carbon capture project received $194 million (EUR 190 million) in funding from the Innovation Fund for the development of a large scale CO2 sequestration onshore and offshore pipeline system. Notes: Links: