The H2BE project aims at the production of blue hydrogen at competitive cost levels using auto thermal reforming (ATR) technology. For the CO2 captured, offshore storage sites are considered at the Norwegian North Sea.
Project type:Capture Participants:Engie Equinor Country:Belgium Type of capture:Fuel Production (Hydrogen) IOGP members involved: Equinor Planned start of operation: 2030 CO2 capacity at start date: 0 CO2 capacity after completion: Status: Early Development Type of storage: N/A Funding and support scheme: No Info related to the funding and support scheme: Notes: Links: https://gems.engie.com/business-news/engie-equinor-launch-the-h2be-project-to-kick-start-low-carbon-hydrogen-market-in-belgium/https://www.offshore-energy.biz/equinor-and-engie-press-ahead-with-h2be-hydrogen-project-in-belgium/