Leilac 2
LEILAC 2 - Low Emissions Intensity Lime and Cement 2. The LEILAC2 project will scale up the CO2 capture technology which was developed during LEILAC 1 project. This breakthrough technology will be applied to cement and lime industries and aims to reduce over 95% of the process CO2 emissions (which is 60 % of total CO2 emissions). The CO2 capture capacity of LEILAC2 project at Hanover will be around 100.000 tpa. Leilac-2 has passed Financial Investment Decision (FID) on 23 March 2022. The demontration plant aims to become operational by 2025 and will be integrated into Heidelberg Materials’s operational plant in Hannover, Germany.
Project type:Capture
Participants:Calix (Europe) Limited Engie Laborelec HeidelbergCement AG Geological Survey of Belgium Lhoist Recherche et Developpement SA BGR Calix Limited Politecnico Milano Port of Rotterdam Centre for Research & Technology Hellas CEMEX CIMPOR IKN
Type of capture:Hard to abate industry (Cement)
IOGP members involved: No
Planned start of operation: The demontration plant aims to become operational by 2025.
CO2 capacity at start date: 0.1
CO2 capacity after completion: 0.1
Status: Advanced Development
Type of storage: Not applicable
Funding and support scheme: Horizon 2020
Info related to the funding and support scheme: The LEILAC2 project has received €16m of funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 884170. LEILAC2 will receive an additional €18m of support from HeidelbergCement, Cimpor, Lhoist and Calix.
Links: https://www.leilac.com/project-leilac-2/https://www.geos.ed.ac.uk/sccs/project-info/2727